Additional Events

THANK YOU! Because of YOU, we've reached our goal of $115,000 for the Runaway & Homeless Youth Shelter!

Our community is AMAZING!

Imagine being a teenager with nowhere safe to call home. No warm place to sleep, no hot meals, and no one to turn to for support. It's a heartbreaking reality for many runaway and homeless youth in our community.

For the last 25 years, CAPTAIN CHS has been committed to providing a safe haven for these vulnerable teens who are facing unimaginable challenges through our Runaway and Homeless Youth Shelter. For two-and-a-half decades, we've offered emergency shelter, food, clothing, access to mental health services, and educational support to help local youth rebuild their lives and find a path to a brighter future.

Youth shelters like CAPTAIN CHS's act as a lifeline for vulnerable teens - offering a critical entry point for youth to access other essential services. Our staff prioritize building trust by providing a listening ear with understanding and nonjudgmental support. This creates a safe and inclusive environment where teens in crisis can feel heard, respected, and valued, regardless of their background or circumstances.

Youth Shelter Needs

  • Youth Shelter Van - $55,000

    The Youth Shelter is in need of a twelve-passenger van to transport youth to school, medical appointments, counseling, and fun activities. A new van would also avoid the refurbishment and high maintenance cost of a used vehicle. Shelter staff are currently limited in the number and type of activities they can engage the teens in due to a lack of proper and safe transportation.

  • Roof Replacement - $20,000

    The roof of the Youth Shelter was last replaced in 2001 and is currently in need of replacement and serious repair to specific areas. The roof-line is unique due to Shelter expansions and renovations. A solid, quality, long-term roof would provide shelter for area teens in crisis for years to come.

  • HVAC Replacement - $20,000

    Along with the roof, our heating and cooling system has reached beyond its expected lifespan and is in need of replacement. With advancements in technology, we hope to install a more efficient system that will keep the Youth Shelter a warm and comfortable space for youth in crisis.

  • Foundation Work - $10,000

    The strength of any building begins at its foundations and the Youth Shelter is no exception. Recently, damage to the Shelter's foundation was discovered and is in need of urgent and critical repair. Grace Fellowship Church has graciously offered to donate a portion of the cost to fix the foundation.

  • General Buildings & Grounds Updates - $10,000

    The Youth Shelter is truly a home and, as with any house, annual maintenance is required to keep the dwelling in tip-top shape. Our Shelter has multiple large bedrooms, bathrooms, a computer room, a large kitchen, a sensory room, and multiple outdoor activities including a pool, deck, and ropes course, that require annual and ongoing work.

Heroes for Youth

  • Anonymous
  • Josephine Adams
  • The Arpey Family
  • Toni Asbury
  • Linda Balenski
  • Thomas and Karen Bellhouse
  • Bonnie Bettcher
  • Dr. Erica Black
  • Joseph and Anne Bogdan
  • Carol Borthwick
  • Neal and Betsy Boudette
  • Claire and Bob Brown
  • Francis and Valerie Cairo
  • Lawrence Callahan
  • Karyl Camardo
  • Sheryl Lee Camardo
  • Roselaine Carignan
  • Peter and Margaret Carucci
  • Casey Charitable Fund
  • Betty and Bill Casey
  • Tina Castillo
  • Sue and Dave Catroppa
  • Mary Lou Classen
  • Ken and Judi Clements
  • Michael and Ann Cocca
  • Barbara Coleman
  • John and Carol Conway
  • Gary and Joyce Cook
  • Miriam Cooperman
  • Betty Cresswell
  • Anne-Marie Cuff
  • John and Kathleen Curley
  • Aimee and Gary Dake
  • William and Alison Danaher
  • Dr. Stephen P. Dautel
  • Ed and Barbara Dempsey
  • Richard and Ann DiSarro
  • Christine Dreidel
  • Patti Ellis
  • David and Belinda Evangelista
  • Everyday Warriors
  • Robert and Anastasia Fenton
  • Rocco and Laurie Ferraro
  • Mark and Susan Fiet
  • James and Aline Flaherty
  • Sheila Flanagan
  • Stacie Flansburg-Ryan
  • Irene Flatau and Terry Spring
  • Robert Foody
  • Randy and Maureen Frey
  • John and Carol Gartner
  • Glenn Gerber
  • Karen R. Gerhardt
  • John and Sandra Gilpin
  • Neil Golub
  • Marc Greenwald
  • Scott Grennon
  • Scott Gresens
  • Kate Gurley
  • John and Betty Hanshaw
  • Jeff and Kara Haraden
  • Scott and Christina Herman
  • Steve and Toby Hollenberg
  • Dr. Mokarram Jafri
  • Nancy Jarose, in memory of Eva Jarose
  • Matthew Katrein
  • Robert and Kathleen Kelly
  • Patricia Kilgore
  • Kevin Kralovic
  • Anna and Mike Krumpholz
  • Maureen Kucharski
  • Mary Lawrence
  • Gregory and Judith Lees
  • Karen Leet
  • Kathryn Lesiuk
  • LHP Charitable Fund
  • Bill and Anne Long
  • Bert and Sally Longbotham
  • Diane Longwell
  • Bebe Lunden
  • Marie Macpherson
  • Patti Mallory and Timothy Pehl
  • Terry Mango
  • Sheila Marcil
  • McDonnell Family Charitable Fund
  • Ellen McGarrahan
  • Guy and Sandy Merrill
  • Paula Miller
  • Debra Mulry and Bill Luciani
  • Nancy Murtlow
  • Catherine Nickerson
  • Nancy Niles
  • Michael and Tracey Norman
  • Jyoti Nayak
  • Robert and Carol O'Connell
  • Jeffrey and Julie Ohliger
  • Joan Ostrow
  • Robert and Loretta Parsons
  • Sara Elizabeth Patterson
  • Sylvia and Bob Phillips
  • Ed and Sue Plasberg
  • Michael and Patricia Priest
  • Liz Prybylowski
  • Patrick and Marie Rabideau
  • Albert and Margie-Alice Reyes
  • The Mark Rider Foundation, in Memory of Mark Rider
  • Ed and Francine Rodger
  • Anton and Beatrice Rohrmeier
  • Rosemary Royce
  • Jackie Saleh
  • Roberta Sarrutto
  • Ashlynn Savarese and Josh Keyoskey
  • Anne Schmalzl
  • Carol Schupp-Star
  • Robert and Ann Sharpe
  • Louise Sherman
  • Kathleen Simmonds and Virginia Touhey
  • David and Katherine Skelly
  • Tom and Fran Strano
  • Daniel and Susan Streett
  • Janice Sullivan
  • Stephanie Sullivan
  • William and Linda Storz
  • Mr. and Mrs. Kurt C. Swartz
  • Catherine M. Szenczy
  • Warren Tolentino and Marilyn Barata
  • Linda Torino
  • Bonnie Treat
  • Diane Trippany
  • Erin Trombley
  • Maria Truax
  • James and Jeanne Tuttle
  • Edward and Aileen Valenta
  • Lyle A. Van Vranken
  • Melissa Verga
  • Robert and Shirley Voelker
  • James and Claire Walton
  • The Watts/Griffin Family
  • Harriette Weitzman
  • Keith and Pat Willis
  • Daniel and Helayne Wright
  • John Yagielski