Community Hero Alert: Herzog Law Firm

Heartfelt Thanks to Herzog Law Firm!

A special shoutout to the incredible team at Herzog Law Firm for their generosity and support of CAPTAIN CHS' Care Links program! Your commitment to making a positive impact in our community truly shines, and we're immensely grateful for your thoughtful donation.

Not only did Herzog Law Firm contribute to Care Links, but they've also shared the spirit of gratitude by their involvement in providing Thanksgiving Baskets to our program in Clifton Park. Your kindness is creating meaningful connections and spreading joy during this season of giving.

To the amazing folks at Herzog Law Firm, your dedication to community service is truly inspiring. Your contribution ensures that Care Links continues to make a difference in the lives of those who need it most.

Thank you, Herzog Law Firm, for being a beacon of generosity and compassion. Your support is making our community stronger, one caring gesture at a time.